Monday, March 25, 2019

Lack of sleep is an enemy for beautiful skin

Everyone often hear that the beauty is created at night, and staying up late is the enemy of beautiful skin. Is there any basis for this kind of statement?

We need sleep to restore physical and mental function. Sleep is also very important for endocrine, metabolic and immune systems and all organs of the body. Sleep deprivation disrupts the biological rhythm.

In fairy tales, Cinderella went home before 12 o'clock, maybe for the sake of getting beautiful skin! When you are not getting enough sleep, you can observe the mirror in the next morning on the second day. Your dark spots will become darker and more obvious!

The physiological laws of the skin are generally around 12 am to 5 am in the second day. During this time, the metabolism of the skin become stronger for repair and healing purposes. So, everyone must sleep early.

However, women with dark spots have a general problem, that is lack of sleep. Anxiety and stress are the main reasons why many women having sleeping issue. In the case of poor sleeping quality, it is accompanied by problems such as easily awake up, frequent dreams, and frequent night urine. It is conceivable that the skin condition will become worse and worse. Sometimes, we need to use Chinese herbs to relieve stress, calm the mind, or reduce night urine, in order to achieve the result of get rid of dark spots.

If the breathing disturbed during sleep, Oxygen will be prevented to deliver into the lungs, it is called Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), Hypoxia, lack of Oxygen. In Chinese medicine theory, OSA is caused by retention of phlegm-dampness that inhibited Qi movement which contribute to blood stasis and vital energy retardation, finally cause dizziness, headache, irritability, memory loss, learning difficulties, fatigue, difficulty in concentration, emotional swings that resulting in symptoms of depression.

If you pay no heed to OSA, not just having poor skin condition, you may face short-term or long-term health risks such as heart disease, diabetes type II, stroke and high blood pressure.

During sleep, skin have the most moisture from blood, so the skin can purify the old waste and renew the skin tissue. In short, tired skin will be repaired because of sleep. Therefore, in order to get beautiful skin, remember to go to bed early and get up early. Any skin care products and health care products are not as good as a good night sleep.

According to the Daily Mail, 46-year-old Sarah Chalmers take part in a sleep deprivation study, the unique experiment reveals how having two hours less than the recommended eight can ravage your skin. The shocking changes surprised the research team.

As well as healthy diet and regular exercise, sleep is the key to maintain overall health. Although the importance of sleep is widely known, but study confirms that 8 hours of ideal sleep time per day can make the body's organs work properly. Remember, it's not 6 hours, it is 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.  

Therefore, the first step of treating dark spots is to get a good sleep, and make sure you have a refreshing mind and energetic body after wake up.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :  

#Chineseherb #Chinesemedicine #Skinpigmentation #Melasma #Freckle #Wrinkle #Darkspots #Insomnia #Sleep #Heartdisease #Diabetes #Stroke #Bloodpressure
#ObstructiveSleepApnea #OSA #Dizziness #Headache #Irritability #Memoryloss #Fatigue #Depression #Anxiety #Frequentdreams #Nighturine 




我们需要睡眠来恢复身心功能,睡眠也对内分泌、代谢及免疫系统非常重要,所影响的是身体的所有器官。而睡眠剥夺(sleep deprivation,即睡眠不足)则会扰乱生物节律。

童话故事里的灰姑娘也免不了在12点之前回家, 也许是为了漂亮,要争取睡眠的时间吧! 睡眠不足时,第2天早上照镜子就能一目了然, 本来的斑点就会变得更加的暗沉, 更加的明显!


可是,有黑斑问题的女性一般上都有严重睡眠不足的问题。而焦虑与压力是造成许多女性“睡不好”的主要原因。在睡眠质量差的情况下,还伴随容易惊醒、多梦、夜尿频繁的问题,可想而知,肌肤状态当然会变得越来越差。 有的时候,我们需要用中药疏解压力、安定神志、减少夜尿,才能达到祛斑美容效果 。

除此之外,当睡眠状态下,呼吸会遭到干扰,阻止氧气输送到肺部,就会发生阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(Obstructive Sleep Apnea,OSA),这也是西医所谓缺氧,中医认为痰浊郁久阻滞气机,气滞血瘀,痰气瘀结,气血受阻,最后造成日间头晕、头痛、烦躁、记忆衰退、学习困难、疲劳、难以集中精神等情绪摆荡或性格改变,产生忧郁倾向症状。如果置之不理的话,不只是皮肤状态不佳,肤色暗沉或长斑,你将可能面多短期或长期的健康风险,如心脏病、糖尿病II型、中风和高血压。

在睡眠的这段时间,血液及皮肤中的水分最多,因此皮肤才能净化老旧废物,使消耗的组织再度更新。总之,疲乏的皮肤会因为睡眠何得到修复。所以,为了得到漂亮的肌肤,切记要早睡早起。 任何的护肤品 以及保健品都比不上一夜好眠。

据《每日邮报》报道,46岁的Sarah Chalmers 参加了英国伦敦一个睡眠学校的实验,分别连续五天只睡6个小时与睡满8个小时,惊人的变化让教授都大吃一惊。



Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :  

#中医美容 #睡眠不足 #黑斑 #雀斑 #黄褐斑 #祛斑 #去斑 #失眠 #多梦 #夜尿 #尿频 #阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停 #头晕 #头痛 #烦躁 #健忘 #疲劳 #忧郁 #肤色暗沉 #心脏病 #糖尿病 #中风 #高血压

Thursday, March 21, 2019

FREE Skin Pigmentation diagnosis in KUALA LUMPUR -- 2 days in APRIL 2019

Hello, everyone. I will be coming to Kuala Lumpur on this coming April 2019. After going back to my hometown Kota Kinabalu since 5 years ago, this is the first time I go to KL. One of the reason is to fulfill an request from a patient of mine. She miss me a lot, wish to see me and invite me to diagnose her whole family.

What I think of KL, I couldn't deny that I have a lot of great memories.I was sent by my parents to study here when I was 19. The wonderful moment of my youth was spent here, and I have met the best lecturers, really good friends, very helpful classmates and many good people that shape my identity. In this city, I received a lot of inspiration education on Traditional Chinese Medicine during my studies in Kuala Lumpur Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

This trip to KL is an act of giving back to the society. If you are suffering from skin allergic, itchy skin, wrinkles, or skin pigmentation issues such as Melasma, Freckles and Chloasma, may be I can help you. If you had tried many solution but nothing work for you, may be you can look for me.I am willing to give FREE Chinese medicine diagnosis for you. Below is the available date and venue :

3 April 2019 (Wed) :
Ren Kang TCM Enterprise
No. 47, Jalan 7/40,
Taman Pusat Kepong,
52100 Kuala Lumpur.

4 April 2019 (Thurs) :
Kien Fatt Medical Store
Jalan Petaling, City Centre, 50000 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.

Please call or send Whatsapp message for appointment booking. Currently we can only receive 10 patients each day. The consultation session included :
- Inquiring & Listening
- Inspection of skin
- Tongue diagnosis
- Pulse diagnosis
We might be spending 30 mins to 1 hour on each patient. Through the session, you will have better understanding about your body type, current health status, the cause of your skin issue and also herbal  suggestion and some ideas on healthy diet through the Chinese medicine theories.

Thank you.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherb #Freeconsultation #Freediagnosis #Kualalumpur #TCM #Skinpigmentation #Melasma #Freckle #Darkspot #allergic #itchy #wrinkles #Chloasma #Meetup #Event #Aestheticmedical #Cosmeticacupuncture #Skincare #Dermatology #Skindoctor #Skinspecialist



感谢大家一直以来的鼎力支持, 让小弟的事业 更上一层楼。 自从回到沙巴之后, 很多吉隆坡的朋友都很想念我, 有些病人一直叫我来吉隆坡找他们。

其实,我对吉隆坡有着许多很深刻的回忆, 在这里不知不觉中渡过了14年的光阴, 我的青春岁月也给了这个城市。 这里有最真诚的朋友,最好的老师, 最美味的食物, 最好的教育,以及最传统的中医文化熏陶, 是个找到自我定位的好地方。 我也很想到回去以前住过的地方,看一看那里有了怎么样的改变。 虽说人走茶凉,人去楼空了, 但是相隔那么多年的事情,感觉到好像只是发生在昨天。 很想拜访每一个朋友,然后握住他们的手,感谢他们当年帮助我、关心我, 甚至容忍我的任性与固执。 每当夜深人静的时候, 那些在吉隆坡的记忆就会涌上心头, 每当我看回以前的旧相片, 都会有莫名的感动,或许我是个怀旧的人。

这几年来,只是短暂的在飞机场转机。 一直等到某一天,有个香港老顾客就问我:" 我已经是你的顾客三年多了, 咱们就不能见面吗?要不在吉隆坡见个面吧? 请您过来为我把脉,好吗?" 咱们不只是宾主关系,也算是朋友了,这是一份情、也一份缘。 我说咱们就见面吧!原来,人与人之间的关系,是很微妙的。就像各位, 我们在这儿,又好像是认识了很久的朋友一样。

3-4-2019 (星期三), 地点在甲洞仁康中医针灸中心,程学森中医师那里驻诊。
4-4-2019 (星期四), 地点在茨厂街建发药行,一间走过76年的传统中药店铺。

这次的吉隆坡之行,咨询和中医诊断是完全免费的, 我将帮助大家了解体质,并且亲自公布近年研究的"种子换肤汤"的秘诀。




Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

#中医美容 #中医男科 #中医妇科 #黑斑 #皱纹 #暗疮 #中医养生 #皮肤过敏 #瘙痒 #homodesty #失眠 #中医 #中药 #祛斑 #减肥 #皮肤干燥 #过敏

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


在正常的情况下,我们的身体处于经络通畅、气血调、五脏六腑协调,还有保持阴阳平衡的状态。 因为作息不正常、 感受风寒湿邪、缺乏运动、饮食失调、劳碌、 跌破损伤, 造成经络壅滞、气血不畅、脏腑失调、阴阳失衡。 日子久了,引发身体酸楚疼痛、麻木、痿软、痉挛, 或者脏腑功能失去平衡。

针灸可以祛风除湿、活血化瘀、通经活络 ,而且还有止痛的作用。不过,合理的针灸疗程是确保疗效,提高成功率的关键。很多人以为随便体验一两次针灸就会马上痊愈, 其实这是一种误解。 

以前有一个病人向我谈到一位来自中国的中医师如何使用针刺把他的腰痛治愈的小故事。值得让我关注的是“疗程”。这个病人没什么杂念,就十分耐心地接受了—个月的针灸治疗, 前前后后大概针灸了30次, 结果十多年的腰痛的问题,从此“断根”,一直到如今,再也没有犯过了。 
同样也受腰痛折腾的另外一个病人, 针刺了几次就觉得好了很多,自行判断,认为不需要持续治疗。 结果,过不久腰痛又犯了,总之,这类病人的控诉都是围绕在无论做过什么治疗,病情总是反复难愈,细问之下,都是没有把握好最佳的治疗时期,对于完成疗程没有概念,以为针灸三两次就能止住疼痛及肢体麻痹等问题。


Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

#中医 #针灸 #经络 #酸楚 #疼痛 #麻木 #麻痹 #痿软 #痉挛 #腰痛 #肩膀痛 #五十肩 #中风 #半身不遂 #瘫痪 #止痛 #风湿 #中医养生 

A reasonable acupuncture program has great effect on remove soreness, pain, numbness, flaccidity and Spasm

Under normal circumstances, our body is in a state of smooth transportation of Qi and blood in meridian, with the great coordination of the balance of Yin and Yang in internal organs. 

Because of  the irregular hours of work, poor diet, lack of exercises, injury,  we often caught wind-cold damp pathogen that resulting in meridian stagnation, impeded circulation of blood, malfunction of the organs and imbalance of Yin and Yang. After a longer period of time without taking care of it, our body will have soreness, numbness, pain etc. 

Acupuncture can dispel rheumatism through removing wind and dampness. Besides that, acupuncture also stimulate circulation to end stasis, clearing and activating the meridian channels. As a result of that, acupuncture removes the pain successfully. 

However, a reasonable acupuncture program is the key to ensuring efficacy and increasing success rate in pain management. In our country, many people have myth about their muscle pain can be taken away by acupuncture in 1 - 2 sessions. 
In fact, this is a misunderstanding. In an acupuncturist point of view, term and condition apply!

A patient used to tell me a story about how a Chinese medicine doctor from China perform a total of 30 sessions of acupuncture in a month to heal his low back pain. What deserves my attention is the "treatment program". With the adequate "loading effect" over a long period of treatment time, this patient's lower back pain is 100% cured by acupuncture, this mean he do not have to suffer from chronic pain anymore. Just imagine, one month acupuncture treament put a full stop to a pain that bothering him for more than 10 years. 

However, another patient who was also suffer from low back pain, he wasn't lucky enough and the situation is very different here. Without understanding of the important of an acupuncture program, he simply stop the treament after a few sessions, he thought his pain is gone forever and there is no neccesary to continue the treament. But after a while, the pain come back again and again, it seem like nothing going to work for them anymore. Sad to say that, they had been kidnapped by their own perception, they do not follow the program strictly, that's why acupuncture doesn't seem to suit rash person's pace. 

In fact, the cost of completing an acupuncture treatment is far cheaper than private hospital treatment or physiotherapy (I mean in most developing asia country) . In short, acupuncture is a magical ancient therapy, it regulate the flow of Qi and blood, fix the issues such as numbness, weakness and paralyzed limbs which caused by malnutrition of the tendons and meridian channels.

In my opinion, acupuncture is not something that make people remeber when in needs for Stroke sequelae. I think people should view acupuncture as an ordinary well being therapy for managing illnesses, or even for anti-aging, destress or cosmetic need etc. Everyone can come for an acupuncture session even they look fine and healthy. 

#Acupuncture #Meridianchannels #Painmanagement #Brainstroke #Strokesequelae #Rheumatism #Soreness #Backpain #Neckpain #Shoulderpain #Numbness #Flaccidity #Spasm #Homodesty #Malaysia  

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

Sunday, March 17, 2019

推出三种特别为马来西亚女性所设计的祛斑美白中药护肤品 (限量、特价)

谦和堂研发的中药护肤品,简化复杂的保养,只留下轻松三步曲 : 洗脸、爽肤、滋润。适合油粒、雀斑、黄褐斑、暗疮等过敏问题肌肤。这个系列在价格上比我们卖去欧美的经典套装更加经济实惠,特为马来西亚顾客设计的。


#雀斑 #黄褐斑 #暗疮 #青春痘 #黑斑 #中医美容 #中药护肤品 #马来西亚 #过敏 

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

Introducing an economic skin pigmentation set for Malaysia (Limited sets only)

In Homodesty Consultancy, we customised herbal skin care for every customers. We believed in the concept of "LESS IS MORE". We simplified skin pigmentation home routine into 3 steps : Clean, tone and moisturize. 

These three products focus on improving Freckles and Melasma skin. On the other hand, they also clearing away heat, detoxify, promoting skin cell regeneration, calm down sunburn, balancing sebum secretion, brightening, moisturizing, anti-allergic, reduce redness, reduce swelling, minimize the appearance of scars, reduce itchiness. 

This economic pack is specifically designed to suit South East Asia region, especially for Malaysian. We have limited stocks available, SEVEN SETS BEFORE 30 MARCH 2019. 

* We will create your herbal skin care products upon received your order.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

#Chineseherbs #Chinesemedicine #Skincare #Skinpigmentation #Freckle #Melasma #Acne #Pimple #Acnescar #Acnehole #Sensitiveskin #Allergic #Homeremedy #DIY #Homodesty

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Chapter 2 - Face massage tutorial for forehead with Skin pigmentation, dark spots and brown patches.

Chapter 2 - Face massage tutorial for forehead with Skin pigmentation, dark spots and brown patches.This face massage will helps those who suffer from Melasma, Freckles and Chloasma. It is simple skin pigmentation massage treatment at home.

Repair Balm - A deep nourishing balm with Melanin stopping herbs for the treatment of pigmented skin.
For more info about Repair Balm, please visit our online store at :

#Skinpigmentation #Melasma #Freckles #Chloasma #Chineseherbs #Chinesemedicine #Facemassage #Repairbalm #homodesty #Skincare #

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

Monday, March 4, 2019


上个月的浓缩中药粉大减价,感谢大家大力的支持, 在短短的几天里面帮助了很多人。 最多人询问的就是美白祛斑,以及减肥消脂的药粉。

可以减肥、又可以祛斑的中药有哪些? 除了荷叶、 白术、苍术、茯苓、薏苡仁、猪苓、车前子、绿茶这些配角之外, 主角还有黄芪、人参、党参、高丽参、田七等,用来加速"气化"、清理皮肤的毒素与提升烧脂功能。

一般的情况,何医师都不轻易的用到人参和田七。 原因很简单, 这一类"补药"浓缩科学中药粉的价格每过半年甚至一年就会起价, 并不是很多的病人都可以接受中医的治疗费一直起价。 有些同行就会建议不要使用人参,选择使用党参或太子参。 其实党参的价格也好不到哪里去, 甚至可以在半年里面三级跳,涨幅吓人! 根据何医师的经验,党参无论计量加得多大,它的性质不会变成人参。

有同行还建议使用大剂量的玉竹(比较便宜)代替黄芪与人参。何医师不是完全认同这个看法,玉竹虽不寒不燥,确实可替代人參、黃耆之燥热, 但是这仅仅是适合用在燥热伤阴的糖尿病病人身上。

千万不要忽略补身, 生活中某一段疲惫时刻, 适当地用上一些补气药如: 黄芪、人参、党参,或者是价格很便宜的红景天(虽然味道有点"辣"), 增加身体的氧气, 提高抗自由基的功能, 无论是减肥、 预防感冒,祛斑美容,还是调养身体都会有很强大的效果!

谦和堂现在积极地与各大药厂合作, 只要他们存货太多, 能够给予很多的折扣, 何医师就会为大家提供更好、更理想的中药产品。 调养身体的目的就是希望40岁过后的身体比较少出现严重的疾病,活得越久越年轻,越有尊严!


#中医 #中药 #大减价 #祛斑 #中医美容 #去斑 #预防感冒 #减肥 #科学中药 #人参 #黄芪 #党参 

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

[Chinese herbs for nourish vitality can help lose weight and reduce dark spots]

Herbs like Lotus leaf, Atractylodes macrocephala, Atractylodes lancea, Poria, Coix Seed, Polyporus umbellatus and PsylliumHusk are very useful in treating skin pigmentation and help to lose weight. Apart from that, the very effective way to further enhance the result is to add in the so called VIP herbs : Astragalus, Panax Ginseng, Codonopsis pilosula, Panax notoginseng to acceleratethe energy activity, cleans the skin's toxins and enhances the fat burning function.

In general condition, I do not easily use ginseng and Panax notoginseng . The reason is very simple, they are too expensive. Not many patients cab affort it. Some TCM doctors advised me to use Codonopsis pilosula or Pseudostellaria heterophylla as a replacement herb for ginseng and Panax notoginseng, but we all know the price for Codonopsis pilosula are getting more and more expensive. According to my TCM experience, there is no point of increase the dosage of Codonopsis pilosula, because the characteristics will not be the same as Ginseng. 

Some TCM herbalists also recommend large dosage of Polygonatum odoratum (this herb is much cheaper), instead of prescribe the combination of Astragalus and Ginseng. I do not fully agree with this view. Although Polygonatum odoratum carry a characteristic of not too cold and not too dry, it can replace the warmness of Astragalus and Ginseng, but this only apply to the condition of diabetic patients with the body type of Yin is in deficiency and heat occur. 

Don't neglect to replenish your body with herbs, if there are some tired and stress moments in your life, nourish your vitality by Astragalus, Panax Ginseng, Codonopsis pilosula or even consider Rhodiola rosea which is quite affortable price for most people. Those herbs help to improve oxygen intake, remove free radical, whether it is for lose weight, prevent colds, remove Melasma and Freckkes, or just for managing healthy body, the effect of herbs are very powerful. 

Homodesty Consultancy is now actively cooperating with major Chinese medicine pharmaceutical companies to invent great herbal supplements for the treatment of skin pigmentation and weight reduction program. For more info, please follow our social networks, we hope to serve you better in the future, thank you. 

#Chineseherb #Chinesemedicine #weightloss #skinpigmentation #darkspots #homodesty #kotakinabalu #sabah 

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Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
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Friday, March 1, 2019


以前一直投诉,在公厕总有一堆人把小便弄到满地,到底是眼睛瞄不准,还是那话儿太短? 后来,我在中医院肾科实习时,常听到老师问病人是否有“尿分叉”,才慢慢注意这个问题。




#中医 #中药 #尿分叉 #尿道 #前列腺 #射精 #早泄 #亚庇 #沙巴 #Kotakinabalu #Sabah

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
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[Do you have urine split stream]

I have been complaining about the urine on the floor in public toilets, there are always a bunch of people who have urinated to the floor. I was wandering if they have poor vision or their manhoods too short. 

A few years ago, when I was having my internship in Chinese medicine hospital, I often heard my processor asked if the patient had double urine stream.

Wife can be very angry and often quarrels with her husband. Because her husband's urine splashes every where but not into the toilet bowl, this affecting the cleanliness of the toilet. Most men over 50 have this problem. In normal condition, one urinary stream occure, but sometimes it can splits to two directions,  sometimes a urine stream can be dripping at the urethral opening. At the end of the urination stage, because of bladder storage reduced, the urine flow slows down, the urine splits is more obvious, sometimes it becomes like a shower, that wet the floor, the pants, shoes and socks. This is why elderly people always have a smell of urine from their body.

It is like watering plants with a garden hose. If your thumb covers half of the hose opening,  the water stream will spray out and split into two direction. The same situation happens to men. Some parts of the urethra are narrowed, such as urethral congestion, swelling, and increased secretions, which can cause the urine can not be discharged smoothly, and the tuberlence caused the urinary stream splits . Common diseases include urethral accidental trauma, acute urethritis, and sexually transmitted diseases (such as Gonorrhea) such as prostate inflammation or enlarged prostate. Therefore, it is recommended to seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

A while ago, when I was reading TCM journals, I noticed the symptoms of the blockage of lower urethra such as enlarged prostate had a certain stimulation to vas deferens to cause rapid ejaculation. The other diseases of the genitourinary system such as Chronic Prostatitis, Seminal Vesiculitis and Epididymitis also contributed to premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse. It seems that a split urine stream issue related to so many diseases, men with split urine stream and slow urination shoud get a urological examinationas soon as possible.

#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #spliturindstream #splitstreamwhenpee #prostatitis #urethral congestion #prematureejaculation #enlargedprostate #urethritis

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
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